Historiarum libri quinque 0005
Historiarum libri quinque 0005 | |
aus dem Werk | Historiarum libri quinque |
Zitation | Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque II, IX, 19, ed. France 1989, S. 82ff. |
zeitliche (Quellen-)Angabe | um 1003/1004 |
datiert auf | Mai/Juni um 1000-1002 |
VerfasserIn | Rodulf der Kahle |
Abfassungsort | Cluny, Auxerre |
Der Mönch Wulferius aus dem Kloster Réome hat um 1003/1004 [Mai/Juni um 1000-1002] eine Vision weiß gekleideter Männer, die ehrenvoll im Kampf gegen Sarazenen gefallen sind.
Erat quippe eo tempore frater quidam, Vulferius [Wulferius] nomine, dulcis admodum moribus et conuersatione, in monasterio cognomento Reomagensse [Réome], quod est situm in pago Tarnoderensse [Tonnerre], cui etiam aparuit die quadam dominica uisio satis credulitati commoda. Nam dum post expletionem matutinalium laudum in supradicto oraturus quieuisset monasterio, fratribus ceteris inde aliquantulum ad pausam redeuntibus, subito repletus est totius eiusdem ecclesie ambitus, uiris scilicet uestibus albis indutis ac purpureis stolis insignitis, […]. Interim uero percunctatus est supradictus frater qui aut unde essent, pro quaue causa illuc deuenissent. Cui satis leuiter tale dederunt responsum: ‚Professionem’ inquiunt ‚Christianitatis gestamus, sed ob tutelam partie catholiceque plebis defensionem gladius nos in bello Sarracenorum separauit ab humanorum corporum habitatione. Idcirco nos omnes pariter diuina uocatio nunc transfert in sortem beatorum; sed ideo per hanc prouinciam nobis contigit habere transitum quoniam plures ex hac regione infra breue temporis spacium nostro sunt addendi collegio.‘ […] Intellexit quoque idem frater se in breui spatio exiturum a seculo, quod etiam sic contigit fieri.
At that time there was a monk called Wulferius, a man of impeccable life and converse, who lived in the monastery of Réome [Réome] in the country of Tonnerre [Tonnerre]; one Sunday he had a vision which is well worthy of belief. It so happened that after matins he remained behind to pray in the church, while the other brothers had gone back to rest awhile. Suddenly the whole church was filled with men dressed in white robes and wearing purple stoles; […] In the meantime brother Wulferius asked them who they were, whence they had come, and why to that place. They replied with light hearts, saying: “We are all men of Christian profession, but while we were fighting for the defence of our country and the Christian people against the Saracens, the sword severed us from this earthly flesh. Because of this divine Providence is now taking us all into the lot of the blessed; it had befallen us to pass through this province because many from here must shortly be added to our number.” […] Wulferius understood by this that he was to die soon, and so it fell out.
Hinweise zur Übersetzung
Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque II, IX, 19, ed. France 1989, S. 83ff.
Zur Bestimmung der Jahresangaben vgl. Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque II, IX, 18, ed. France, S. 85.
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