Historiarum libri quinque 0006

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Historiarum libri quinque 0006
aus dem Werk Historiarum libri quinque
Zitation Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque III, VII, 24, ed. France 1989, S. 132ff.
zeitliche (Quellen-)Angabe 1009
datiert auf 1010
VerfasserIn Rodulf der Kahle
Abfassungsort Auxerre, Cluny


Im Auftrag des Kalifen Al-Hākim bi-Amr-Allāh aus Ägypten wird 1009 [1010] durch eine List der Juden die Grabeskirche von Jerusalem sowie die Kirche des Hl. Märtyrers Georg in Ramla zerstört, welche bisher von Sarazenen aus Furcht unangetastet geblieben ist.


Eo quoque in tempore, id est anno nono post prefatum millesimum, ecclesia, que apud Hierosolimam [​Jerusalem​] sepulchrum continebat Domini ac Saluatoris nostri, euersa est funditus iussu principis Babilonis [​Kalif Al-Hākim bi-Amr-Allāh​]. […] Hi [Iudaei gens] denique nequam consilio inito corruperunt quendam, data pecunia, uidelicet girouagum sub peregrino habitu, nomine Rotbertum [​Rotbert​], fugitiuum utique seruum beate Marie Melerensis [​Moustiers-Sainte-Marie​] cenobii. Quem accipientes caute miserunt ad principem Babilonis cum Hebraicis caracteribus scriptis epistolis, […]. Qui egressus detulit litteras predicto principi refertas dolo et nequitia, et quoniam nisi celerius domum Christianorum uenerabilem subuerteret, sciret se in proximum Christianis regnum illius occupantibus omni penitus dignitate carere. His uero princeps auditis, protinus furore arreptus, misit Hierosolimam [​Jerusalem​] de suis qui predictum funditus subuerterent templum. […] Tunc etiam beati martyris Georgii ecclesiam in Ramulo [​Ramla​] partier subuerterunt, cuius olim uirtus Sarracenorum nimium gentem terruerat; fertur enim crebro illuc eos ingredi cupientes raptum cecitatem pertulisse.


In the same ninth year after the millennium the church at Jerusalem [​Jerusalem​], which contained the Sepulchre of Our Lord and Saviour, was destroyed at the command of the Prince of Cairo [​Kalif Al-Hākim bi-Amr-Allāh​]. […] They [the Jews] conceived a dastardly plot: they bribed one Robert [​Rotbert​], a fugitive serf from the house of Moutiers-Sainte-Marie, who was no more than a vagabond masquerading as a pilgrim. With infinite precaution they sent him to the prince of Cairo with letters written in the Hebrew alphabet; […] The fellow set off and delivered these letters, which were full of evil and lies: they alleged that if he did not quickly destroy the venerable Church of the Christians, then they would soon occupy his whole realm, depriving him of all his power. When the prince heard this he was transported with rage, and he sent some of his servants to Jerusalem [​Jerusalem​] to destroy the church. […] Then they also destroyed the church of the holy martyr George of Ramla [​Ramla​], although previously his power had always terrified the Saracens, for it is said that he often struck blind those who invaded his church in search of plunder.

Hinweise zur Übersetzung

Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque III, VII, 24, ed. France 1989, S. 133ff.

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Historiarum libri quinque 0006, in: Repertorium Saracenorum, hg. von Matthias Becher und Katharina Gahbler, unter Mitarbeit von Ben Bigalke, Jonathan Blumtritt, Lukas Müller, Patrick Sahle et al., URL: https://saraceni.uni-koeln.de/wiki/Historiarum_libri_quinque_0006 (zuletzt abgerufen am 14.01.2025).